23rd Kanos     UNDERGROUND SUN


Meeting     Into the Crypt     Umber Hulks    Stone Heart    Vampire    Beryn     Keep     Sand Giant
City-Between-Places     Beryn's Farm     Bog Serpent     Stronghold     2 Parties     Dog & Horn     The Cells
Escape!     Calrhuvianne     Souls     Hawker Bag     Kin's Tale     Mayor & Shopping     Dhunok Grael
Karubiat Elesis     Underground Sun     Lizardmen     The Boat     Akkenophon     Shurudien!     Ghurzak!
To Karnak     Dice     Oracle     Mogradjinn     Battle     The Hilt     Exit     Strange Allies     Ghorak Lan
Farigon     Calrhuvianne2     Wraithking     Columns     Last Column     Galent     Zeres-kai     Eyrie
Elementals!     Golem

Morin sets off to check the immediate vicinity - a broad corridor moving north to a t-junction, all of which is quite visible now via the light from beyond the archway. Meanwhile, the two alcoves begin sparking and crackling much more noisily than they previously were. Morin waves the party onwards and the alcoves are ignored – the light in the corridor has an unusual aource: even though the party know they are underground, there is no roof to the forty foot high walls that make the corridor. High above there would seem to be a glorious blue sky. No clouds, nor any sun that's visible, although the air is gently warm like mid spring.

Back at the archway, the flesh golems have reappeared whole, although they are not trying to follow the party. Balin checks a theory with golems, as the party impatiently waits, moving towards them and waving his sword at them. The creatures don’t flinch and are clearly no threat from this side of the corridor.

Onwards the party head, arbitrarily chosing to go west towards the lush garden, Jarek taking the lead as Morin feels less able in the approaching greenery. The room opens out into a large space and there are shrubs and plants and waterways all around - a garden of sorts, as the waterways are too precise to be natural. Walls still edge the room and the sky brightens the whole place; it's quite beautiful and there is an eddying sense of floral scents caressing the air. Three exits beckon, all open arches

The waterways are small streams and can be stepped across quite easily - although it's warm here, it's not oppressively tropical and the ground is quite firm underfoot. There are fish in the streams and some of the areas of grass and leaves of bushes look gnawed at, indicating that there must be other creatures here too. In the centre of the room is a grassy knoll which has a flattened top upon which rests a worn metal (perhaps copper) plaque, fixed in stone. The words swirl momentarily, it seems, and it reads in all languages simultaneously, “Water, Above All, the Lifegiver”. For now, its meaning, if any, remains a mystery.

A very quick glance through the exits shows more and larger garden - although the west exit also seems to drop down to a narrow river of sorts. The room seems safe and the party prepares to separate, Jarek, Dalrylshana, Jiriki and Darius to heading east back along the corridor whilst Morin, Suva, Kin and Balin will further investigate this garden and its surrounds.


The party looks around the pleasant room and Morin casually fills a water flask as he gazes about and takes a good drink. The room is as you had previously surmised as you inspect it in more detail - a few small mammals scurry or burrow into hiding but it seems to be a fine garden, and well looked after.

The exits lead into further greenery and larger trees, glancing though the arches – there are three options (north, south and west). The western option drops down a little to a narrow river that runs through the garden beyond these walls. It would appear to go for some distance and there is a boat moored just through the archway. The southern route seems to be a small area where seedlings and shrubs are being nurtured and this joins smoothly into the 'main' garden

The northern archway leads to a second, much bigger garden. The four adventurers head this way and gain a better overview of the entire surroundings. The river runs all the way across the garden and keeps going beyond the walls, it appears.

From the outer garden, it is a steep 15ft drop to the water. There is no bridge but the smaller garden allows dry passage from one side to the other.

The outer garden has large trees and considerable density in certain areas as well as two exits heading further west and north. There are also three large statues standing tall on stone plinths.

The first statue is approached cautiously – the plinth is tall - almost four feet high - and atop it is a well-made, heroic stone statue of a human warrior, made to around 125% scale, wearing splint mail and postured dramatically with longsword thrusting forwards, left hand bent and pointing back and upwards to perfectly balance the lunging right arm.

It seems to have the word “Edrun” in elaborate letters on a plaque set on the plinth. As Morin ponders the possibilities of wordplay on the first statue, Suva ambles off through the greenery, wiping a lightly sweating brow and approaching the next nearest statue.

It is evident as he approaches that
this is also a heroic figure, in much the same design as the first except that this one is an elven warrior in leather armour, sleek and impressive.
He is leaning forwards with a bow and arrow notched, aiming somewhere towards the east wall, so that it looks as though he is firing forwards on the run.

There is a metal plaque on the cylindrical plinth but even as Suva is getting close enough to read it, there is sudden movement from the copses of trees to either side. What can only be described as lizard men – scaled green skin and long tails, alligator heads with sharp teeth - suddenly dart out of the trees and run, zigzagging quickly off towards and through the north and west exits.

It's all so quick that it's difficult to tell how many there were – perhaps 10? - but also because some effort is needed to defend yourselves from quickly flung spears. They're hardly cutting-edge design but they're thrown well and Suva does well to avoid too much contact with them. Still he is caught and lightly wounded by three.

Balin tries hard to contain himself and the party make sure Suva is okay before checking the final statue. This one is a dwarf, chainmail-clad with a large helm. Both hands grasp a large axe, pointed to the front of the dwarf's body as if sizing up courageously to a waiting foe. This one has a plaque that reads “Lwfm” to go with the elf’s “Faha”.

With astonishing alacrity, Suva sees a solution:

“If you arrange the letters in the following way the meaning is revealed.


Read downward from top left and you get “ELF, DWARF and HUMAN”

What this means however, is not realised until Morin notices that the plinth on each of the statues will actually rotate, given some effort.

Balin, Kin and Morin take a statue each, corresponding to their race and Suva stands more centrally. Nods and glances indicate all are ready and then Kin begins: the statue is heavy but the oiled mechanism is in remarkably good condition and after a few moments the whole thing, statue and base begin to move on the swivel with loud accompanying noise.

It's intense work but is soon accomplished; the elven archer has his arrow pointing, to the best Kin can judge, directly at the dwarf.

All remains still, so Balin takes his cue and eventually has the dwarven axeman pointing at the human warrior. Morin takes a breath, gives a sarcastic thumbs up to Suva and then sets about rotating the human swordsman.

No sooner is the statue pointing at the elven archer than there is suddenly a rumbling beneath the ground (and from the west, Suva notices) and a sound like iron teeth grinding; it's short-lived though, and in seconds, the garden returns to normal. Nothing appears any different, although, perhaps incited or attracted by the noise, a couple of lizard men did momentarily appear in the northern archway before slipping away again.

With the next step not entirely obvious, Morin heads off to gain reconnaissance beyond the western archway and returns soon after to inform his comrades that there are 20 or more lizard men waiting in ambush about 100 feet in at some ruins.

Beyond them in the distance is a jungle and mountains further still; the place is too vast for Morin’s liking!

This seems like a good time to regroup, so the party head back to the inner garden and after a little discussion, decide to move on to find the rest of teh party, rather than awating their return..

The party heads out of the curious tropical region into the more mundane corridors. As the t-junction is reached, decision of direction is made by the noises coming from the east.

Instinct takes over and the party moves swiftly on: Jarek would surely have checked for traps and this is where the sound comes from so it must be them?

The eastern corridor quickly ends with a widened room and an archway - there is no time to take in the details, but you are aware that beyond the arch, there is still a perfect insane sky but it is dark, starry with unrecognisable constellations and moonlit.

A hard crescent moon provides the light in this area, ample to see by, and clear enough to show a room cluttered with masonry and broken furniture. At the room's end a door is open and here the noises come from but are now less in volume.

Swiftly, ignoring details, and with concern, the party moves on into the beckoning room to find, with some relief, the rest of the party.

It's much, much colder here.

It is at the south door that the party stands. Darius is still leaning his weight against it as Jarek moves away, quite clearly having finished locking it.

Dalrylshana is trying to entice Sybelius over to her and looks a little hassled, whilst Jiriki looks furious. And is bleeding.

Moving off Darius, Dalrylshana, Jiriki and Jarek soon pass the turning to the corridor they entered by and reach another t-junction as their compatriots begin to explore about the garden.

North, the bright corridor widens diagonally until finally ends in large, ominous double doors. East, the corridor continues some distance before reaching a small room with an archway; the four move eastwards to investigate further.

The area beyond the archway is lit by moonlight. There is sky again above the high walls, but this sky has dots of unrecognisable constellations and a bright crescent moon which, ample illumination to see by. It is a very curious effect to see two entirely different skies, separated only by the width of an arch - all the sky above looks blue from one side of the arch but all the sky beyond it is moonlit.

Through the archway is a long room. There are the remains of damaged chairs and a table here and there. Bits of masonry are scattered on the floor, suggesting that there were once stone bats or some similar creature attached to the walls. It's cold here and it looks unkempt and abandoned; a door opposite beckons.

Jarek checks the door and discovers it to be safe and actually very slightly ajar. Peeping through the small gap, the room beyond seems large and grim but empty of any obvious threat. It looks like a garden but is almost the antithesis of the one you have seen: moonlit as it is, it's quite clear that a number of the plants are actually black.

Stepping cautiously into the garden, the party advance. Sybelius and Jax are very quiet - there's something eerie on a level that concerns their natural instincts here. There are four pools, one at each corner, which balefully reflect the moonlight and stars: the clarity of the sky should make this quite pleasant but the cold is beginning to the bite and the ground-level surroundings are too bleak to allow relaxation. Doors are in the north and south walls.

There are ferns and flowers and shrubs all about but every last one of them is black, from stem to leaf to petal.

In the centre of the garden, there is a table with what look like a selection of bottles upon it - and perhaps a piece of parchment.

There are a number of glass tubes in a wooden rack, mostly empty now, and six small glass bottles, three of which are cracked and empty. However, one tube has a viscous liquid still in it and three of the glass bottles still contain some dark liquids, each one different.

The parchment is sat on the table with two of the cracked bottles at its corners. Some writings still remain, although damage and fading has removed most of it. The little that can still be read, reads as follows:

"....no matter what I try. The moon magic is sucking all the nature and vitality out of this subworld but however I bend it to my will, still the affliction remains, without remission. Perhaps the sun......"

"...more than just blackness; something lurks, waiting and plotting. I can feel its imagination, alien and fetid, pressing a.."

Leaving the glass bottles and the table for now, and urged on by curiosity and Jiriki's unfailingly light spirits, the odd ambience given up by the black garden is overcome in favour of pressing onwards through the door south, which Jarek has unlocked.

The door opens into a room which looks similar at first – black plants under the moonlight. But it is quickly obvious that there is more here. There are remains of bodies dotted about, a skeleton in armour leaning against a black tree over here, finger bones pointing up at the silvered crescent from an arm bone set in the soil there.

There's the hint of a breeze and it brings dry, dusty air.

Darius and Jiriki head towards the body of a fallen warrior (one more cautiously than the other) as Jarek and Dalrylshana head into the room to investigate other remains.

The party are but a few steps in when a sound makes them go quite still: it's like the clicking of cockroaches. A number of wisps of dark grass suddenly flip and reveal themselves to be the legs of four large spiders. Their bodies are thin and hard-looking and they clearly are about to attack from scant feet away, one to each member of the party.

Jarek and Jiriki both suddenly feel stabbing pain in their stomachs and a cold sweat beads across their foreheads - they remember the giant spider in the vampire's catacombs; its poison has not fully left their blood and they are struggling to quell an unnatural fear, particularly Jarek whose brow furrows harshly as he focuses his will.

A shrill but rasping voice drifts into the air like shattered bloody bones being dragged over stone: "Some of you carry spiderkin in your blood; we will honour you and eat you last."

The earth behind the four spiders moves and a red glow spreads into the moonlit room giving an eerie additional colour to the dark plant stems. A large body lifts effortlessly upwards to reveal a huge spider creature. Two humanoid skulls, glowing red, sit awkwardly at the front of the beast and glare eyelessly down as one of the skulls speaks again.

"My master will have your soulssssssss."

The second skull grins malefically as the teeth clack open and shut.

Jiriki's response to the situation is that which only one of barbarian blood could muster - freeing himself from fear that he knew he should not have (and aiding Jarek into the bargain), he leaps forward, eager for battle and revenge at being so humbled. The spider nearest him is almost attcked but at the last moment, Jiriki leaps across it, using it as a step, to battle its master.

As he steps on the beast a cracking sound gives up how frail they really are.

Dalrylshana has already reacted and magic dances around her arms as Jarek and Darius move forwards, weapons drawn.

Abruptly there is a sound to the left, like crunching breaking bones, an awful sound. The four spiders seem unaffected but by now the party are already starting to realise that they are little more than automatons. The main figure's speaking head moves momentarily but then snaps forwards quickly levelling itself at Dalyrlshana as the second skull changes from glowing red to ebony black.

Jiriki recovers its attention with a scything blow that has black ichor jetting across the room. Jarek and Darius have, with one blow apiece, levelled their own assailants, if momentarily distracted and bitten by virtue of the noise from the left. They are recovered and ready enough for their next move to see Jiriki fearfully struck by a vicious leg and
knocked 8 feet back.

Dalrylshana is still concentrating when the now ebony skull unleashes a bolt of darkenss, glinting in the moonlight, that staggers her backwards and leaves her coughing up bile.

Darius has seen enough and harshly orders a retreat – Jarek follows as Darius moves towards the door and Jiriki, though keen for battle, is not stupid and will not give himself up as the only combatant. Within seconds, the hissing of the spider beast behind, the party are back in the room with the pools, Darius leaning against the door as Jarek locks it again.



From beyond the looked door a hideous voice rasps, "Come back, come back, I was merely jesting. You are welcome here, my friends....

Meeting     Into the Crypt     Umber Hulks    Stone Heart    Vampire    Beryn     Keep     Sand Giant
City-Between-Places     Beryn's Farm     Bog Serpent     Stronghold     2 Parties     Dog & Horn     The Cells
Escape!     Calrhuvianne     Souls     Hawker Bag     Kin's Tale     Mayor & Shopping     Dhunok Grael
Karubiat Elesis     Underground Sun     Lizardmen     The Boat     Akkenophon     Shurudien!     Ghurzak!
To Karnak      Dice     Oracle     Mogradjinn     Battle     The Hilt     Exit     Strange Allies     Ghorak Lan
Farigon     Calrhuvianne2     Wraithking     Columns     Last Column     Galent     Zeres-kai     Eyrie
Elementals!     Golem