4th Ranedil    WALKWAY


Meeting     Into the Crypt     Umber Hulks    Stone Heart    Vampire    Beryn     Keep     Sand Giant
City-Between-Places     Beryn's Farm     Bog Serpent     Stronghold     2 Parties     Dog & Horn     The Cells
Escape!     Calrhuvianne     Souls     Hawker Bag     Kin's Tale     Mayor & Shopping     Dhunok Grael
Karubiat Elesis     Underground Sun     Lizardmen     The Boat     Akkenophon     Shurudien!     Ghurzak!
To Karnak     Dice     Oracle     Mogradjinn     Battle     The Hilt     Exit     Strange Allies     Ghorak Lan
Farigon     Calrhuvianne2     Wraithking     Columns     Last Column     Galent     Zeres-kai     Eyrie
Elementals!     Golem

Given time now to notice, the fighting area is a position carved out of the hillside and holds a large winching mechanism for lowering the cage into the temple room. Various burned pieces of bodies are scattered about the opening, showing that tidiness at least has not been especially important.

Northwards is a narrow, winding stony path which leads down steps through another cutaway portion of the hillside - between you, it is easy to figure out that this would very likely lead to the magical, unopened doorway found in the room you next to the bedroom below. Westwards, the hillside rises a little further but will soon drop over down towards the 'proper' entrance to the stronghold.

Meanwhile, beneath, Kin and Jarek await the return or summons of their comrades - all is still quiet and safe with them, Jax and Sybelius, who are soon brought up to the daylight by Darius before the spell upon him wears off.

The olog-hai is found to have a couple of unusual items as well as a little gold; an eye-shaped amulet, which Morin fears may be some sort of scrying device, as it is later identified to be and an emerald-encrusted ring which is taken by Dalrylshana.

The wind is increasing and dark clouds will soon be overhhead; with the last vestiges of the "fly" spells still active, Darius and Balin are able to move Jax and Sybelius to safety easily as well as helping the remainder of the party carefully clamber back on to the upside-down ladder and head back into the darkness.

Dalrylshana is relieved to be reunited with her familiar again and is quite pleased with her new jewelled adornment; as the step is (with slight trepidation) crossed again, she gets out the Illuminatus to light the room.

Morin has placed the amulet in the pouch with the few gold pieces and dropped it in his backpack for now; he re-checks the south door in the room and when all are ready, opens it carefully, an unconscious shiver rattling him for a moment. Through the door is a spiral staircase that descends into the temple room, edging south as it spirals down.

Half way down, lantern light reveals that the spiral straightens up to descend directly and becomes an open staircase with no banister or barrier, about 5 feet wide, heading down into the north edge of the temple.
It remains dark and quiet but for a faint whisper that ebbs back and forth across the ears like waves on distant shores.

Morin heads down the spiral staircase, slowly disappearing from view.....to return a few minutes later, scrabbling back up the staircase, apparently unharmed but a little rattled.

He explains:

“OK, two sand giants guarding the double doors and a scarey sonofabitch undead thing, which I'm hoping is the wraithking and not his pet dog." He catches his breath, and finally has a torch lit that he has been juggling with.

"The other thing is that the floor is covered with a layer of oil."

Holding up the torch up over the edge of the stairs and grinning, a slightly rattled and maddened look in his eyes, "Shall I? If so, you may want to step back....

After an almost instant knee-jerk reaction to set the fire, discussion ensues and a plan is entered into, as the party wonder why the floor is covered with oil..

Jarek first confirms that the route back is still clear, no ogres or other creatures and no sign of the route in having
been found or tampered with.

Morin secures himself to the ladder and heads up to close the trapdoor, something readily accomplished - although a little nervously now, knowing what lies 100 feet below. After almost an hour, most of the party are
heading along the corridor that leads out to the valley with just Morin and Darius staying behind, Darius standing at the top of the stairs, awaiting Morin and ready to help against any undead, armed as he is with Shurudien's

A flask of holy water is hurled in first then Morin gives a signal to Darius, glancing once at the undead ogres (further along the corridor and still uninterested, it seems). And then, as most of the party taste fresh air and daylight again, he lets loose the torch...

The two of them join the party shortly afterwards, unharmed and with word that the oil is ablaze - but Morin has pause for concern, too, something he needs to share as the party decide how long to rest and what next to do as the smoke hopefully clears..

"The sand giants opened the door to the pillars," he announces, "went through and closed the doors behind them. In that action, I would assume that the flame affects them. As for the other adversary, well that is another matter. He stood arms outstretched in what appeared to be total enjoyment of the flames. I just hope we haven't made him stronger."

Regardless of the omens, there seems nothing to do other ran rest. Morin and Jarek scout out the area and bring even more unsettling news - in the area at the front of the stronghold, the correct entrance the other side of the hill from the party, a colossal beast is forming, seemingly built from hordes of zombie ogres that are drawn to its undead nexus. At the pace it is growing, it will take some time to be fulfilled so the party, in need of rest, ignore it for now.

After resting a little and praying a lot, Suva carries out a Herculean divine channelling of energies and uses up all but his weakest spells taking care of the various injuries in the party. Afterwards he feels fatigued but mildly elated, and settles to further prayer for the remainder of the day and night. He has earned the right to take no watches!

The party move up the hill a little way where they can gain shelter but not easily be seen and Morin sets off to keep an eye on the colossal undead beast, later to be relieved by Jarek.

Turns are taken to keep a look out form the party's position but all stays quiet through the night.

Ranedil 5th
It's bitterly cold but although the wind is stronger, the clouds have blown over and as dawn approaches, it looks, thankfully, as if it is going to be a clear, bright day.

Jarek returns form his lookout position: the progress of the strange creature's construction is slow (it must have been going on for days already) but it is nearing completion - Morin and he agree that there now seems a gap from the last zombie back to the stronghold from which they issue. If that means that the remaining zombies are the last to be amalgamated then the thing will be finished by the end of the day, most likely.

It's worrying news but the soul-columns, sand giants and the wraithking await. Suva stretches and offers a quiet prayer in the face of the dawn and the party look rejuvenated - some even restless - and ready to go.

As warriors flex and belongings are gathered, Morin draws attention to the valley below, where the party initially entered.

Running at half pace into the valley, making no effort to hide, a leather-armoured figure bounds along gracefully towards the waterfall. At first the temptation is to stay hidden but as the first lights of day stretch shadows all around, the figure becomes recognisable: Calrhuvianne of the Northern Host, the very demihuman rescued from Ghorak Lan, cousin of the Mayor of Galent.

Morin relaxes and allows himself to be seen; the party move down to the waterfall and stronghold secret entrance.

Calrhuvianne's over-large brown eyes shine in warm welcome and his slight mane plays in the breeze. He catches his breath.

"Oh the sun, at last! I'll recover soon. Give me a minute."

He smiles and gulps air, resting his hands on his knees a moment.

"I volunteered to come along after your message was received about the wraithking. I am fortunate to find you so easily! Have you battled it yet? I can join you if not, or take information back, as you prefer. Everybody
wishes you well - the situation in Galent is worsening, though and Beryn is in the process of moving so that he can avoid the influence of the foul magics.

Oh, and he suddenly remembered that he hadn't told you how to set the Hawker bags - it could be useful apparently!"

The situation is dscribed to Calrhuvianne and he checks on the construct over the hill, a Dreadnought, having read up on as much as he could after his previous encounter with the High Dwarves.

"That looks like something I read about the destruction of a city by High Dwarf necromancers. It's essentially a
siege engine; it's only purpose is to lay waste to its given target. And I would imagine that would be Galent. You might be able to burn it - but it would take a lot of fire.

"By Pelor's light, It would take a lot of anything, it's enormous!

"It must have a source of necromantic power somewhere that binds it and fuels it..."

He looks pensive, for a moment, then adds,

"I think I'm going to have to go back and warn the town. We might have to evacuate with the state things are moving towards.

"And before I forget: the Hawker Bags are easy to adjust - drop two identical items into each bag simultaneously. Empty them out after a chosen amount of time and that amount of time is the new delay for transfer from one bag to the other.

"One thing - anything under 2 or 3 seconds results in zero delay, which cannot be reset. Zero delay in transfer means that a dimensional portal is held open and as a consequence, the bags are likely to become unstable and
collapse away to nothing after a while. Well, that's what I was told - and Beryn seemed quite strong on this point. So be careful with them!"

Meeting     Into the Crypt     Umber Hulks    Stone Heart    Vampire    Beryn     Keep     Sand Giant
City-Between-Places     Beryn's Farm     Bog Serpent     Stronghold     2 Parties     Dog & Horn     The Cells
Escape!     Calrhuvianne     Souls     Hawker Bag     Kin's Tale     Mayor & Shopping     Dhunok Grael
Karubiat Elesis     Underground Sun     Lizardmen     The Boat     Akkenophon     Shurudien!     Ghurzak!
To Karnak      Dice     Oracle     Mogradjinn     Battle     The Hilt     Exit     Strange Allies     Ghorak Lan
Farigon     Calrhuvianne2     Wraithking     Columns     Last Column     Galent     Zeres-kai     Eyrie
Elementals!     Golem